4th July: Time to take back control.

I’m a former Tory voter and until recently I was also a local Conservative councillor. Back then I mistakenly believed that the party was still loyal to its centre-right homeland. Now it’s so far right that you need the Hubble telescope to locate the crazies (incidentally the dim glow beyond this point is Deform UK) who bang on about a “plan” as the country literally implodes. A party full of liars who orchestrated the lunacy of BREXIT, crashed the economy, and latterly made our once proud nation a pariah state with the introduction of the utterly despicable Rwanda policy; I think even Billy Liar would be too ashamed to vote for them. Meanwhile, locally in the constituency of Bracknell James Sunderland MP proudly extolls the virtues of Thames Water – clearly showing that he is full of …. sewage.

Under the current electoral system, Labour – led by the supremely staid Sir Keir Starmer who isn’t a career politician and had a proper publicly accountable job beforehand – represents the only viable choice as we seek to emerge from the ashes of a Tory government tsunami of terror, their chaos, corruption and calamity causing every part of our lives to become demonstrably worse.

Finally, please never forget that as law abiding citizens during the pandemic we made huge sacrifices that Boris Johnson shamelessly ridiculed while he partied at number 10.

The UK deserves better.

© Ian Kirke 2024 & title photograph.