Lockdown lunacy: The Disunited Kingdom

On March 23rd, 2020 a relatively redundant word, save outside of the confines of high-security prisons, became mainstream: Lockdown. This new phenomenon led the majority of the sixty-seven million inhabitants of the United Kingdom to self-isolate at home to mitigate the ravages of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many businesses went into stasis and an anxious resignation … Read more

India: the humbling majesty whilst outrunning COVID-19

Ian Kirke

Sometime in my youth I recall my parents commenting about their exact whereabouts when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on 22nd November 1963. This narrative was meaningless to me until I witnessed the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States of America. This chapter of World history unfolded on the TV as … Read more

An open letter to Anti-Vaxxers …

Dear Anti-Vaxxers, Hope you are well (due to a vaccine). You are right that ordinarily a vaccine takes around ten years to develop. In ordinary times only a handful of research institutions are targeting a specific virus, often simultaneously investigating other life-threatening scenarios. The law of duplication means that if, say, three people are doing … Read more