Spine-tinkering: proactive health.

As a practising hypochondriac I have never been slow to react to a bodily function giving me distress. Anything from man flu upwards usually necessitates a Google health check, or a conversation with someone in the medical fraternity. In my quest for immortality this proportionate response has given me a high degree of reassurance. However, … Read more

Fame! I’m gonna live forever … “How close to immortality can we get?”

Who hasn’t, at some time in their lives, contemplated immortality? Fiction is littered with such characters – Count Dracula, Dr Who, The Highlander, to name but a few – so I guess this question has fascinated many authors too. According to the peer reviewed ‘Internet Encyclopaedia of Philosophy’, “Immortality is the indefinite continuation of a … Read more

Lockdown lunacy: The Disunited Kingdom

On March 23rd, 2020 a relatively redundant word, save outside of the confines of high-security prisons, became mainstream: Lockdown. This new phenomenon led the majority of the sixty-seven million inhabitants of the United Kingdom to self-isolate at home to mitigate the ravages of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many businesses went into stasis and an anxious resignation … Read more

Balls! A journey from 38 to 30

According to the font of all knowledge (Google) on average men feel their balls seven times a day. At least I can be reassured that I am above average in this particular field. Indeed, touching them thousands of miles away from home led to a change in lifestyle that I think may possibly have added … Read more

Run, sweat and cheers: How parkruns conquered my fear of keep fit

I loathe running. At secondary school, the cross-country run was a fucker and I usually brought up the rear crossing the line well after the athletic kids were showered and probably on their way home. In the early 1970’s designer gear comprised of plimsoles and a standard white top and blue shorts. Think of the … Read more