An open letter to Anti-Vaxxers …

Dear Anti-Vaxxers,

Hope you are well (due to a vaccine).

You are right that ordinarily a vaccine takes around ten years to develop. In ordinary times only a handful of research institutions are targeting a specific virus, often simultaneously investigating other life-threatening scenarios. The law of duplication means that if, say, three people are doing the same work on the same day then this equates to 300% effort. Or one person can dig a ditch a day yet three people working simultaneously can dig three ditches on the same day. Got it so far?

During the COVID-19 pandemic every medical institution, research facility and many public agencies have been focused entirely on creating a vaccine, collaborating with research approaches & working in glorious humanitarian harmony (apart that is from the Russians who tried to nick our research, although to be fair they have been interfering with our lives via the cyber highway for many years already). Thus, the usual lead-in time for a vaccine has been dramatically reduced. Also, modern medicine has been pretty geared up to thwarting other contagious respiratory illnesses.

When you next ask Sharon, a friend of yours on Facebook (who you have never met), for vaccination advice perhaps you could bear this in mind?

I understand that you don’t want to be tracked by black-ops agencies who will place nanotechnology within the bogus vaccine, and you will continue to echo Sharon’s learned advice on Facebook. I mean, even without access to your accurate location data from your smartphone, Facebook uses information from your browsing habits, including IP address, Wi-Fi network, and Bluetooth to pinpoint your exact whereabouts anyway. But I get it that your selected Facebook feed is the real truth.


Ian Kirke
(a silly man who believes experts who have studied their areas of expertise, and the first in the queue for a shot of the COVID-19 vaccine)

Title photo by Álvaro Serrano on Unsplash

© Ian Kirke 2020