Why I have no tears for the clown.

Let me, a member of the electorate, make it abundantly clear from the get-go that I dislike Boris Johnson. If you are a paid-up member of his fan club then please exit here. On the other hand, if you are minded to hear me out (for about five minutes), I will regale you with my … Read more

Ho! Ho! Fucking Ho!

One Christmas Eve, aged around ten, I heard some odd shuffling noises coming from the landing. Tucked up in bed I decided to investigate, but I had to be cunning since my parents had given me a clear directive, “If you don’t go to sleep Father Christmas won’t come!” Lifting myself gingerly onto the chest … Read more

Thinking inside of the box

When SCB referee Si Humphrey-Kennett kindly agreed to talk to me I thought it only fair that I meet him on his own turf in Kent. Waiting patiently outside Specsavers I was a little disappointed when he left and walked straight past me. I hollered out, “You cannot be serious!” Perhaps not exactly a true … Read more

Classic Brands

What’s in a brand? Surely if you like something you simply buy it. Maybe so, but what makes you want to select it in the first place, and often remain loyal? According to research by Nielssen and Meijers in 2011, overt displays of high-end consumer consumption promote positive behaviour in social interactions. Field research showed … Read more

Morgan’s tale: A lesson for us all?

The really important moments in my life are usually accompanied by tears or, at the very least, a glazing of my eyeballs. These trigger events don’t necessarily have to be dramatic, seismic, or signal loss and tragedy. My bouts of significant self-reflection are often partnered with the most ordinary events, like a trip to the … Read more

Jack the Ripper: why do we kill for intrigue?

The cold evening chill against my face only added to my already heightened sense of anticipation. Slayings, subterfuge, and the sinister story of London’s first recorded serial killer was only moments away. How was I so certain? This was at least my fifth walking tour of the killing grounds of Jack the Ripper. Standing on … Read more