Secrets: a risk worth accepting?

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

The question, “can you keep a secret?” caresses intrigue like no other statement can ever hope to do. At its heart there is a burning invitation to indulge in wonder, speculation, or conviction – and occasionally all three simultaneously – with the storyline, more often than not, wrapped in an air of delicious mystery. Personally, … Read more

Suspicion: the murder that never happened.

Eagerly anticipating my second adventure to India, I never once considered the commission of any form of crime, especially not my demise at the hands of a murderer. I’d never been to Goa, the final leg of the two-week exploration of this incredible country that never ceases to amaze, enthral, and excite me. It represented … Read more

Gruesome gossip: the soulless pursuit of titillation.

If human communication was simply the exchange of sanitised data life would be pretty dull. We are an emotional species and have an eternal obsession with exploring, questioning and dreaming. As the late entrepreneur, Steve Jobs, concluded, “The ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who … Read more

Spine-tinkering: proactive health.

As a practising hypochondriac I have never been slow to react to a bodily function giving me distress. Anything from man flu upwards usually necessitates a Google health check, or a conversation with someone in the medical fraternity. In my quest for immortality this proportionate response has given me a high degree of reassurance. However, … Read more

Engrossed in Erotica: a female perspective on porn.

My personal pathway to pornography was – I guess – progressive, in as much as my first contact or event involved a relatively tranquil take-off ─ flicking through the pages of a well-thumbed and discarded magazine in a local lorry park, aged around twelve, with my mate Alan. This experience was somewhat delicate when compared … Read more

War: what is it good for?

The Imperial War Museum stands proudly in the leafy suburb of Lambeth, South-East London, protected by two magnificent naval guns pointed upward and poised to thwart an imaginary foe. My previous visits to this iconic structure have always left me feeling incredibly proud of our armed services, and in particular how we stood resolute against … Read more

Variety is the spice of life ─ a commentary with Scott Nicholls.

Typically, a speedway rider has a choice of two primary modes of headgear: the skid lid and the customary sponsor’s baseball cap. But what if – metaphorically speaking – the choice is far wider; where influence, interest and inspiration provide a greater variety of choice. There was only one way to solve this riddle — … Read more