Football: division united.

Division, disruption, and derision are the cruel consequences of right-wing ideology. In this space difference is framed as dangerous and contrived tribal tensions are sustained by agent provocateurs who frequently occupy positions of power.

Currently, our own nation is plagued with this condition where prejudice is propelled to the pinnacle of public discourse.

Nonetheless, disagreement is a common and natural human trait which, if nurtured with care, can often fill the void of ignorance and energise creativity. Many of the greatest human thinkers were originally considered to be heretics; none more so than Greek philosopher Anaxagoras, who was exiled from Athens for the crime of asserting that the moon is made of rock.

In my worldly experience there exists only one cauldron of conflict that can – if handled with care – celebrate the very best of humanity: football.

Opposing fans will inevitably observe things differently and disagree on most, if not all, refereeing decisions. Yet, in the midst of this mayhem some constants remain: passion, pride, and partnership.

On Thursday 22nd August 2024, Notts County (the oldest professional football club in the world) beat Grimsby Town 4-1 at Meadow Lane. Following the match, I happened upon a group of opposing fans. After an initial disagreement over a handball decision, we enjoyed the company of one another and quickly reflected upon our shared values. We may wish that our respective club always gets the better of the other, but at our core we are the same and artificial barriers are engineered by those we should, without exception, seek to spurn.

As President John F. Kennedy and other luminaries have attested, “What unites us is far greater than what divides us.”

Come on you Pies!

© Ian Kirke 2024 & title image.