Love and hate: the passion paradigm.

Love and hate are powerful feelings. Arguably, they occupy opposite sides of the coin of emotion; however, I would advocate that the latter term is more emotionally charged than its nemesis. Love can occupy a lengthy continuum from mild to meteoric, whilst hate has a narrower band. I’ve used the word “love” to cover all … Read more

Romancing the Cloud: An online fantasy …

A long time ago in a Galaxy not so far away I asked my first proper girlfriend out at work. My approach was toe curlingly awful, although to be fair my apologetic, stumbling and cringing posture was nonetheless successful as I got the date. On reflection I can’t have been that bad, although perhaps a … Read more

Keeping Mum: conversations with my mother

Selfishness is a human trait which quite rightly draws justified criticism, especially if it becomes a dominant trait. Where our egocentric pendulum swings and eventually comes to rest is often fluid and is undeniably influenced by our environment and those around us. When I reflect upon the Oscar Wilde quote, “Selfishness is not living as … Read more