The tree, the man, and his cat: a short, confusing tale of loss.

Once upon a time an imperfect man found the perfect place where his loved ones could flourish. His cat came too.

Towering above this idyllic spot was a tree. Tall, solid, and protective of this alcove of bliss. His family were happy and secure there.

Throughout the winds of change the tree stood firm and the cat often climbed along its majestic branches. The man smiled and promised himself that when he had the time, he too would climb it and fully survey this hidden sanctuary.

Then tragedy struck and the man felt deep loss.

But the tree stood firm and his cat often climbed its aging trunk.

Then his family fragmented for the last time, but his cat remained.

And still the tree stood firm and his cat regularly scaled its weathered limbs.

Then, in the blink of an eye, the man’s cat was gone, but still the tree stood firm.

As the years passed, the man found another place that he fell in love with. Although he often visited the tree, he didn’t notice that each season its foliage was diminishing.

One day the man visited the tree and realised it was too late to do anything other than witness the tree’s death as nature took its course.

He never did climb it.

And maybe that wasn’t the only thing he lamented not doing in this special place during the times of abundant blossom and beauty.

The man realised that he would forever carry this burden of guilt, even though he had found another safe place where he felt loved and secure. Like a sudden gust of wind through the embracing branches of his tree, the chill of sadness often made him cry.

And why do I know of this intimate tale?

Because I am that man, and amongst other things, I will forever regret not climbing the tree.

© Ian Kirke 2024 and all images.