
Your natural glow has been dimmed by the darkness, but your courage and bravery pulses strobe like and so powerfully that you have made me blink. The path ahead will be tough, treacherous and at times terrifying, but you will make it. We have some important dates to fulfil – Meadow Lane, Sydney, and Orlando … Read more

UK: utter Madness.

MADNESS – Windsor Racecourse, UK: Friday 26th August 2023. According to the Oxford English dictionary, madness is defined as “crazy or stupid behaviour that could be dangerous,” and for those of you looking in on the United Kingdom at the moment, our once stable country has become the very essence of this statement. Our zombie … Read more

Banged up: a mother’s story

Photo by Matthew Ansley on Unsplash

A lifetime ago, aged 19, I joined the police with, if I’m totally honest, a principal yearning to be looked after. As an employer this respected profession gave me everything – job security, a decent wage, prospects, status, companionship, a roof over my head, and identity. My self-worth, for an insecure guy lacking in worldly … Read more

Be bold ─ go bald!

Looking back, when I had hair I wasn’t that adventurous with its care or presentation. I usually used whatever was available bath-side and simply combed it from a side parting on the left to the right. Yet I kind of felt pretty attached to it and didn’t really appreciate it until I discovered that I … Read more

Food for thought: adding relish to speedway

Does speedway really deliver the full customer experience? In terms of the on-track action, spectators are treated to around 15 minutes of full-blooded, adrenalin-charged entertainment. But what of the remainder of the spectacle, and how better can promoters exploit the lulls in between the action to ensure that additional revenue streams are maximised and that … Read more