Policing my past ─ the artefacts of crime.

A long time ago in an existence far, far away, I was a police officer. Joining in 1982, that year and those that followed were once my present day. My era. My modern-day. Nobody ever lives in history, do they? Then something peculiar happened to me. The years became decades and my life looped around … Read more

Finding religion – in a football shirt.

Confusion can be irritating, infuriating, and isolating. On the flipside, celebrating uncertainty – whilst acknowledging that a lack of answers can be temporarily debilitating – can often lead to exciting discovery and personal growth. Not wishing to sound too much like a motivational speaker, I nonetheless confess that not knowing what I don’t know is … Read more

Speedway newbies …

My first time: Belle Vue Aces 48 v Kings Lynn Stars 42 (Premiership) ─ Monday 16th May 2022. I do like to mix things up in my life, frequently by design, but very often unintentionally. Red wine in the fridge and wearing white socks with shorts – faux pas are pretty consistent for yours truly. … Read more

An image of Britishness in black & white: a short guide for the rest of you.

What is it like to be British? Quintessentially we can be boring, stoic, and reserved, especially whilst drinking tea. Yet we undergo a magnificent metamorphosis when we attend our most popular sport: football. Other countries call it soccer, but its correct name is football – period. Here we become dramatic, vociferous, and unreserved. We can … Read more

BREXIT Bonanza!

If my own experiences are any gauge, the result of the infamous 2016 referendum and the period that followed have been anything but unifying and currently as a nation our trajectory is on course to create a dis-United Kingdom. As a patriot I detest this direction of travel and am equally sickened by the economic, … Read more

Speedway newbies …

Our first time: Oxford Cheetahs v Scunthorpe Scorpions (Championship) – Wednesday 13th April 2022. I can still remember my first meeting – The Midland Riders’ Championship Qualifying Round, 8th May 1975 at Cowley, home of the then Oxford Rebels. The smell, pulsing crowd, scintillating speed and all action entertainment. Not forgetting the follicly challenged chap, … Read more

You’re gonna have to face it you’re addicted to … something.

Smugly tucking into my steak, I looked across the table at my dinner guest and uttered a stunningly stupid question, “What made you an addict?” My friend sublimely staved off any urge to punch me in the face and simply responded, “You first. What made you an addict?” My enforced silence no doubt accompanied a … Read more