Up a bit; to the left ─ right there! Fuck that’s good! The bliss of a back scratch.

Eyes closed, deep breathing punctuated by a regular groan of ultimate pleasure, and a feeling of real ecstasy. I could suffer this pleasure for eternity. Ooh ─ a virgin piece of skin – keep going! During this special, intimate, time I don’t have a care in the world, and the wish to be reincarnated as … Read more

The Book of Mormon: one in the eye for indoctrination.

The Book of Mormon engages with the terrains of disinformation, religious ideology, and hope; influences that affect everyone, but most just doff their hats in the general direction and conveniently shuffle away. Intertwined with female genital mutilation, dysentery and fucking frogs, the show manages to be both hilarious and powerfully thought-provoking. Sticking a finger up … Read more

A funny thing happened to me on the way to the first corner: what makes the stars laugh out loud?

Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them collapses. He doesn’t seem to be breathing and his eyes are glazed. The other guy whips out his phone and calls the emergency services. He gasps, “My friend is dead! What can I do?” The operator says, “Calm down. I can help. First, let’s … Read more

What’s in a name?

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Sitting minding my own business, drinking a cuppa, the general hubbub of Starbucks was occasionally perforated by the shrill call of a name: “Oscar!” then another, “Sherlock!” and finally, “Hugo!” I was, on one hand, glad that my own kids have grown up and left home, but on the other, I was perplexed. This group … Read more

Pranging my personality: that crunch moment.

For a few nights following the ‘event’ I had fractured sleep and felt an all-consuming miserable malaise take hold of me which I simply couldn’t shake off. Not even the plethora of well-meaning words of wisdom from those around me moved me into the light of positivity. The gut-wrenching scream of twisting metal whilst simultaneously … Read more

UK: utter Madness.

MADNESS – Windsor Racecourse, UK: Friday 26th August 2023. According to the Oxford English dictionary, madness is defined as “crazy or stupid behaviour that could be dangerous,” and for those of you looking in on the United Kingdom at the moment, our once stable country has become the very essence of this statement. Our zombie … Read more