The myth of UK democracy.

I’ve often heard proud Brits extol the virtue of our democracy. Some will even go as far as championing our unwritten constitution – a mishmash of conventions, common law, and Acts of Parliament ─ as a marvel of democratic resilience and flexibility. The fact is that the majority of citizens don’t have a Scooby-Doo about … Read more

The Book of Mormon: one in the eye for indoctrination.

The Book of Mormon engages with the terrains of disinformation, religious ideology, and hope; influences that affect everyone, but most just doff their hats in the general direction and conveniently shuffle away. Intertwined with female genital mutilation, dysentery and fucking frogs, the show manages to be both hilarious and powerfully thought-provoking. Sticking a finger up … Read more

Evilness: a human trait?

Standing solemnly on a cold, dark evening I heard the words of the politicians, and maybe if I’d been asked to make a formal speech I too would have reiterated the importance of reflection, reconciliation and reverence. But I had a nagging and growing doubt about the sincerity of the pledges. Attended by a handful … Read more

BREXIT: a very British Greek tragedy.

Photo by Rocco Dipoppa on Unsplash

The main character in this catastrophe is the United Kingdom, and the chief protagonists in its demise into a pariah state at breath-taking velocity are a precocious liar and a man who is absolutely unrivalled in reaping division – with a surname similar to the small structure you park your car in. On reflection, what … Read more

War: what is it good for?

The Imperial War Museum stands proudly in the leafy suburb of Lambeth, South-East London, protected by two magnificent naval guns pointed upward and poised to thwart an imaginary foe. My previous visits to this iconic structure have always left me feeling incredibly proud of our armed services, and in particular how we stood resolute against … Read more

Banged up: a mother’s story

Photo by Matthew Ansley on Unsplash

A lifetime ago, aged 19, I joined the police with, if I’m totally honest, a principal yearning to be looked after. As an employer this respected profession gave me everything – job security, a decent wage, prospects, status, companionship, a roof over my head, and identity. My self-worth, for an insecure guy lacking in worldly … Read more

BREXIT Bonanza!

If my own experiences are any gauge, the result of the infamous 2016 referendum and the period that followed have been anything but unifying and currently as a nation our trajectory is on course to create a dis-United Kingdom. As a patriot I detest this direction of travel and am equally sickened by the economic, … Read more