Love and hate: the passion paradigm.

Love and hate are powerful feelings. Arguably, they occupy opposite sides of the coin of emotion; however, I would advocate that the latter term is more emotionally charged than its nemesis. Love can occupy a lengthy continuum from mild to meteoric, whilst hate has a narrower band. I’ve used the word “love” to cover all … Read more

Up a bit; to the left ─ right there! Fuck that’s good! The bliss of a back scratch.

Eyes closed, deep breathing punctuated by a regular groan of ultimate pleasure, and a feeling of real ecstasy. I could suffer this pleasure for eternity. Ooh ─ a virgin piece of skin – keep going! During this special, intimate, time I don’t have a care in the world, and the wish to be reincarnated as … Read more

Engrossed in Erotica: a female perspective on porn.

My personal pathway to pornography was – I guess – progressive, in as much as my first contact or event involved a relatively tranquil take-off ─ flicking through the pages of a well-thumbed and discarded magazine in a local lorry park, aged around twelve, with my mate Alan. This experience was somewhat delicate when compared … Read more

Transgender: Helen’s story.

Photo by name_ gravity on Unsplash

French philosopher René Descartes declared, “I think, therefore I am.” I have never had an issue with the initial claim of this assertion, but the conclusion has – in my opinion – always been open to conjecture. Who I am, what makes me, me, and what is the essence of me, have been perennial puzzles … Read more

What’s in a name?

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Sitting minding my own business, drinking a cuppa, the general hubbub of Starbucks was occasionally perforated by the shrill call of a name: “Oscar!” then another, “Sherlock!” and finally, “Hugo!” I was, on one hand, glad that my own kids have grown up and left home, but on the other, I was perplexed. This group … Read more

War: what is it good for?

The Imperial War Museum stands proudly in the leafy suburb of Lambeth, South-East London, protected by two magnificent naval guns pointed upward and poised to thwart an imaginary foe. My previous visits to this iconic structure have always left me feeling incredibly proud of our armed services, and in particular how we stood resolute against … Read more

Winning: it’s a funny old game!

The late, great, footballer, Jimmy Greaves, is credited with coining the phrase – “It’s a funny old game!” The same can be said about speedway as club fortunes can often experience glory one season, then gloom the next. Peterborough fans will testify to that in recent years. With the often unpredictable nature of rider averages, … Read more

Unchanged melody: modern day slavery.

I vividly recall, as a young cop, being locked in a police cell in Bracknell police station. The prank was orchestrated by a couple of the shift elders and was part and parcel of the rituals of being accepted into the fold. Scaring new recruits shitless was a 1980s tradition that typified the slow transition … Read more