Taking the piss out of men’s health: Type 2 & the prostate.

To the ordinary Brit urine literally flows through mainstream culture. The vernacular is awash with references to this yellow fluid. Do you think I’m taking the piss? Look outside it’s almost certainly pissing down. But don’t piss about or your performance will inevitably be piss-poor. Better to celebrate and get pissed than to get pissed … Read more

Eating my words: why I’m so interested in what’s on your plate.

For the majority of my adult years I’ve had to conform with the rules of life, both written and informal. At times, the societal norms I am obliged to yield to frustrate me, and the more I explore the world the more I realise that, although many commonalities exist, wonderful exceptions are evident too, especially … Read more

Van Gogh: much more than a missing ear.

Quotes about change are as plentiful as there are folk who fail to do so. Nonetheless, my favourite line on this subject is by the author Robert C. Gallagher: “Change is inevitable—except from a vending machine.” As for me, there have been many incarnations and no doubt there will be others that will inevitably bewilder … Read more

Inspector Clueless does Vietnam.

All you need to know about Vietnam, from the unique perspective of the British equivalent of Inspector Clouseau, who usually turns up at the airport and says, “Where are we going?” Collecting my travel money in advance of my Southeast Asian late October adventure to a place personally epitomised by the hauntingly vibrant Paul Hardcastle … Read more

Wes Streeting MP: the ultimate cop-out.

The collective national sigh of relief as Labour wrenched the reins of power from the corrosive grasp of the Conservatives following the July 2024 election was apocryphal. Amongst other repulsive traits, sleaze, gaslighting, and being serenaded by lies, damn lies and scandalous statistics would surely be destined for the tip, along with the political careers … Read more