Spoons: The Orwellian community order.

Is the local Wetherspoons the real community hub where the human condition is fed and watered? Whenever I consider matters of a fiscal nature, value for money is always a significant driving force. Being born in the 60s, I have inherited the values of my parents which instilled the notion of financial probity. Moreover, I … Read more

Unlocking your mind: the genius of innuendo.

I was recently scolded for my seemingly persistent use of the double entendre on social media. My guilt is overwhelming, with my allegiance to the “nudge, nudge, wink, wink” approach of comedy undeniable – a humorous expression used to imply a hidden or suggestive meaning without stating it directly has become my primary route to … Read more

Eating my words: why I’m so interested in what’s on your plate.

For the majority of my adult years I’ve had to conform with the rules of life, both written and informal. At times, the societal norms I am obliged to yield to frustrate me, and the more I explore the world the more I realise that, although many commonalities exist, wonderful exceptions are evident too, especially … Read more

Inspector Clueless does Vietnam.

All you need to know about Vietnam, from the unique perspective of the British equivalent of Inspector Clouseau, who usually turns up at the airport and says, “Where are we going?” Collecting my travel money in advance of my Southeast Asian late October adventure to a place personally epitomised by the hauntingly vibrant Paul Hardcastle … Read more

Big Bald Ian!

Apparently the measurement of a successful author is the swift launch of a follow up book. I’m proud to announce that “Big Bald Ian” has proved an instant hit with Darcie! © Ian Kirke @ianjkirke Title photograph reproduced by kind permission of Emma Ellis.

Beasting it in Benidorm: synopsis of the stag do.

The stag do – or as our friends across the pond would call it, the bachelor party – can be traced back to ancient Sparta (circa 404 B.C.) where soldiers would hold a celebration for a groom the night before his wedding. This masculine meet sought to bid a final salute to singledom whilst preparing … Read more